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“Sanj Katyal masterfully weaves philosophy and psychology, timeless wisdom and modern research, deep analysis and practical tools. This book can help you fulfill your potential for success and happiness.”
—Tal Ben-Shahar, bestselling author of Happier and Choose the Life You Want

Amazon's #1 Best Seller in Greek and Roman Philosophy & Two-Hour Self-Help Short Reads
As featured in KevinMD.com, Journal of American College of Radiology, Radiology Business Journal, The Healthcare Blog and other media outlets
Cultivate Attention To Things That Matter
As physicians and parents, cultivating attention to things that matter is vital....Remember how time seemed to be endless when we were children? Summers lasted forever and years felt like decades. As we get older, time seems to fly by faster each year. The days seem...
Where is the Signal?
Signal/NoiseI am sick of the noiseThe noise of morning routinesThe noise of “come work with me”The noise of productivity systemsThe noise of having to meditateThe noise of ordering another book I won’t finishThe noise of band-aid “solutions” that don’t solve...
Physician Well-Being: Lessons From Positive Psychology
The absence of burnout does not equal wellness. While the focus on physician burnout as an epidemic is finally gaining more attention, we may be missing a larger issue. Most physicians are not burned out. We are able to function. We get through our days, make it to...
Burned Out On Burnout
If you are like most doctors, you are sick of hearing about burnout. I know I am. There is a big debate on whether burnout is real or whether physicians are suffering from something more sinister like moral injury or human rights violations. That doesn’t matter. In...
Physicians Need to Recognize the Power of Vulnerability
One of my best friends from high school is battling with leukemia. I remember days hanging out in my room, listening to music (we were both huge REO Speedwagon fans), shooting Nerf hoops and talking about life (mainly girls at that time). We were not sure of what life...
How to Do Meaningful Work
I have been thinking about purpose. How much does it contribute to our well-being? How does it relate to our interests? If purpose is so important, how can we develop it for ourselves and our children? We all want to make an impact. We want to do something important....
Dharma and the Meaning of Life: Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita
Often called the Hindu Bible, the Gita has been the source of inspiration to many influential thinkers including Henry David Thoreau, Mahatma Gandhi, Aldous Huxley, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Carl Jung. Gandhi was never without a copy of the Gita and it is rumored that...
On the Shortness of My Life
"There is nothing the busy man is less busied with than living: there is nothing that is harder to learn…It takes the whole of life to learn how to live, and - what will perhaps make you ponder more – it takes the whole of life to learn how to die". - Seneca (On...
Real Financial Education: Your House is a Liability!
Many physicians I know are struggling to make ends meet while making several hundred thousand dollars per year. Despite growing incomes, their savings rates remain extremely low due to ever increasing expenses. What they do manage to save, they turn over to...
Why Meditate?
Imagine a pill that is proven to reduce the risk of heart attacks, stroke and death by 49%; significantly reduce blood pressure, rates of anxiety/depression, and substance abuse; statistically improve academic performance, creativity, and the length/quality of life....
The Future of Radiology
Radiology is in turmoil. Hospitals are operating at near zero margins and many are predicted to close within the next 5 years. At the same time, radiology has moved from a profit center with abundant capital support to a cost center with inadequate service levels,...
Hedonic Adaptation
You will become used to all of the positive things in your life. You will take for granted your job, bigger house, new car and even your family. Some call this human nature while others use more scientific terms like hedonic adaptation (HA). Simply stated, hedonic...