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Your Weekly Dose of Positive Medicine
A Collection of Ideas to Help Physicians Thrive

A Wealth of Information Creates a Poverty of Attention

Herbert Simon-

Welcome and thank you for being part of the Positive Medicine community!

We take the responsibility of your attention very seriously. Most of us are bombarded with emails every day and we all have limited bandwidth. It is our intent to add substantial value to your lives with this newsletter. Based on feedback from readers, we appear to be on the right track. However, we recognize that this may not be for everyone. If at any time you wish to unsubscribe, please do so below.

There are many great resources out there advising us on how to improve our well-being. Unfortunately, many of these tips and tools lack scientific rigor, and the advice that is effective often gets lost in the scattered stimuli of our daily news feed.

As physicians trained in the science of well-being, our goal is to cut through the noise and amplify the important ideas to help us thrive both personally and professionally. 

Written by physicians specifically for physicians and other healthcare workers, Your Weekly Dose of Positive Medicine is a carefully curated collection of ideas that have been proven to help us live better.

The more we know about your work and areas that you would like help with, the better we can serve this community and learn together. 


If you reply to this email and tell us a little bit about your personal or professional challenges, a couple of things will happen:

1. We will respond with specific suggestions for you.

(Seriously, we always reply)

2. We will be able to tap into our network of experts to offer more insights on your topics of interest.

If you have expertise in areas of well-being, writing, coaching, leadership development, healthcare policy, or physician advocacy, please let us know so we can showcase your work.

We love to promote the work that our readers are doing!

Thanks for becoming part of our Positive Medicine community.


Two Quick Things Before You Go…

As physicians, now more than ever, we desperately need to do a better job of supporting each other.  If you are struggling with the current demands of medicine, please know that a FREE confidential formalized peer support for physicians by physicians is finally in place. Contact Physicians Confidential


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